Take Control of Your Printing Practices
People don’t often realize how much printing can cost them. According to recent research, a single office worker can end up spending thousands of dollars each year just by printing. Also, the Gartner Group has found that an office spends an average of 1-3% of its annual budget on its printing practices.
With so much money at stake, your business can’t afford to let printing go unchecked. You need to keep supply usage and waste as minimal as possible. With our Rules-Based Printing solutions, the James B. Schwab Co. can help you do exactly that. We can help you:
- Spot and eliminate excessive printing
- Keeping your documents from falling into the wrong hands
- Promote greater accountability in your office
Benefits of the Schwab Co.’s Rules-Based Printing Solution
With one of the Schwab Co.’s rules-based printing solution, you can set controls directly through your office’s printers. These products make it easy to:
- Enforce duplex printing and other practices that help reduce waste
- Track usage on your printers
- Set up security measures to prevent unauthorized users from accessing your documents
- Set printing quotas for users and groups
More Document Solutions
The Schwab Co. has other document solutions to help you raise your productivity level and handle information better. To find out more, check out the pages below: